London Musicials

There is nothing like seeing a musical in the theatrical culture of London. Tourists are able to see a musicals, plays and opera to fit any genre, from comedy to drama to unique one of kind performances that makes London a mecca for theater lovers. If you have limited time here and can only see one, make sure to reserve a seat for The Mirror For Princes – Kalila Wa Dimna.
Running until September of 2014, it is spectacular show featuring some of London’s finest actors. The tickets are fifteen euro and the show runs Monday through Sunday, with the exception of holidays. It is performed at the Barbican Pit Theater on Silk Street in London although you will want to book ahead of time.
Many hotels in London can book your arrangements for you to enjoy this event in London, but if you’re looking to compare the best hotel rates for your vacation, be sure to visit for hotel ratings, reviews and room descriptions, with the vast selection of hotels in London, prontohotel is an easy and reliable source for your travel needs. Enjoy London in style and see the fantastic Mirror For Princess.
For more info about this event visit the official website of the Barbican Pit Theater